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Omnicomm LLS 30160 Sensor Setting

In the tab “Settings” under “Custom parameters”:

“Network address” (1 to 254) – set the network address for the Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor. When several sensors are connected to one external device, they should have unique network addresses.

“Maximum reading” (1 to 4095) – select the maximum reading for the LLS fuel level sensor. Default value – 4095.

“Minimum reading” (0 to 1023) – select the minimum reading for the LLS fuel level sen-sor. Default value – 0.

“Filtration” – set the output signal filtration parameters as follows:

  • “None”– no filtration is performed. This option is used, when the filtration is carried out by an external device.
  • “Minimum”– this filtration is used in stationary fuel storages and non-mobile machinery
  • “Medium”– this filtration is used when the vehicle operates in normal road conditions
  • “Maximum”– this filtration is used when the vehicle operates in severe road conditions

“Automatic data output”– select:

  • “No output” – no automatic data output (without request) is performed
  • “Binary” – automatic binary data output
  • “Character” – automatic character data output
  • “Data output interval” (1 to 255 seconds) – set the automatic data output interval

The automatic data output mode may be used with no more than one Omnicomm LLS 30160 sensor connected to one interface.

“Severe operating conditions” mode – switch on to enable additional filtration of measurement values that takes rough working conditions into account.

“Data rate” – select the rate of data exchange with an external device. Default value –19,200 bit/s.