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Exporting and importing objects, users, and notification settings

Only a dealer or a user with full access to imported/exported objects in Omnicomm Online may import and export objects.

In the «Administration» section, open the «Import/Export» tab:


Select the type of object that you wish to import/export. Possible options: vehicles, drivers, geofences, notification settings, or users.

Before importing the vehicles, create vehicle profiles using Omnicomm Configurator or use the available ones.

Select the export or import tab to download from or upload to Omnicomm Online.

«Export». Select one, several, or a group of objects that you wish to save to file from Omnicomm Online. For vehicles, drivers, and geofences it is possible to keep the structure of groups and subgroups of objects. To export objects and keep their structure, check the box «Export and keep the structure». Click «Export».

After the export, the selected groups of profiles will be saved into one archive, with their structure preserved. “WithStructure” will be added at the end of archive name. The name of the archive will be generated based on the type of exported objects and will contain the time and date of objects export:

  • driversExport – archive containing driver profiles
  • geozonesExport – archive containing geofence profiles
  • rulesExport – archive containing notification settings
  • userExport – archive containing user profiles
  • routesExport – archive containing route profiles
  • vehicleExport – archive containing vehicle profiles

«Import». Click the Select profile files link and select the vehicle, driver, or geofence profiles or the notification settings to be uploaded to Omnicomm Online.

Depending on the type of imported object:

  • When importing vehicles, drivers, or geofences, select the group of objects that the profiles will be uploaded to
  • When importing notification settings, select the login details of the user for whom the notification settings will be added

It is possible to import geofences from third-party monitoring systems. File format: kml and MapInfo MIF.