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Types of Events

Event type number Meaning Parameter values, comments
1 Start of refuelling (for refuelling tankers – fueling) Value of refuelling, accuracy 0.1 litres
2 End of refuelling (for refuelling tankers – fueling) Value of refuelling, accuracy 0.1 litres
3 Beginning of draining Value of draining, accuracy 0.1 litres
4 End of draining Value of draining, accuracy 0.1 litres
5 Ignition ON Time from the last ignition switch off, minutes
6 Ignition OFF
7 External power supply ON
8 Battery power ON
9 Driver authorisation iButton key code in HEX
10 Transition to roaming
11 Exit from roaming
12 Instant speeding Maximum speed value, accuracy 0.1 kph
13 Idle time
14 Beginning of speeding
15 Beginning of transaction groups (for refuelling tankers) Fuel volume before the beginning of transaction groups, accuracy 0.1 litres
16 End of transactions group (for refuelling tankers) Fuel volume after finishing transactions group, accuracy 0.1 litres
17 Start of fueling during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
18 End of fueling during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
19 Start of draining during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
20 End of draining during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
21 Connection established
22 Additional equipment turned ON
23 Additional equipment turned OFF
24 Exceeding the auxiliary equipment max limits
25 Return to auxiliary equipment normal values
31 Pressing the panic button
32 Overload of auxiliary equipment
33 Power ON
34 Instant RPM exceeding
35 Entering the geofence
36 Exiting the geofence
38 Power OFF
42 Beginning of stop
43 End of stop
44 Beginning of acceleration
45 End of acceleration
46 Digital input ON
47 Digital input OFF
48 Instant acceleration
49 Unknown driver
52 Device tampering
53 Driver authorization finished
54 iButton applied
55 Deleted driver registration