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Obtaining the rights to use REST API

Please contact the Omnicomm technical support by emailing to [email protected] to obtain the rights to use REST API.


A JWT token must be indicated in the Authorization header when accessing the REST API methods (except for authorization methods). This JWT token grants the right to use REST API.

JWT format: JWT<space><the JWT received from the authorization method>


Authorization: JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MTU3MDM1OTEsImxvZ2luIjoiYWR0…4ifQ.0I0CXcwWWxZWARE0eUEPOAvKd0prW_Uf0jbOMLnd5SI

The JWT expiry day is indicated in the payload-attribute exp in the Unix Time Stamp format in UTC. After the expiry, when accessing the method the Error 401 Unauthorized will appear.

The JWT can be obtained using the method POST /auth/login?jwt=1 or, upon expiry, post /auth/refresh by indicating in the Authorization refresh header the JWT obtained during the authorization from post /auth/login?jwt=1.

User Management

User management covers adding, deleting, and blocking users in Omnicomm Online, as well as getting a list of all Omnicomm Online users.

An authorized user may access the vehicle data.

An external system can carry out tasks on a user's behalf after logging in under their account (after obtaining the JWT with the user's right).

Description of user management methods: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/Users/

Vehicle Management

It is necessary to add a vehicle profile to enable the processing of vehicle data in Omnicomm Online.

A vehicle is identified by a unique string identifier (UUID), which assigned when a new vehicle profile is added to Omnicomm Online, or by the terminal identification number.

Vehicles can be added to groups and the same vehicle can belong to more than one group. It is also possible to configure access to vehicle groups for users. Vehicle groups are created when a user is added as well as in the Omnicomm Online interface.

Description of vehicle management methods: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/Vehicles/

Geofence Management

Geofences are virtual areas on the map created by users in Оmnicomm Оnline. When creating a geofence, specify its shape (a polygon, a circle, or a line) and its geographic coordinates.

Geofences are used to monitor vehicle location (entering/exiting a geofence) and other operation parameters, such as the vehicle's speed.

Description of geofence management methods: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/Geozones/

Notification Handling

Notifications are used to promptly notify users about recorded events.

Description of methods for handling notifications: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/Notifications/


Reports are used to obtain various information about vehicle operation.

Description of methods for obtaining reports: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/Reports/

Omnicomm Video Service

The Omnicomm video service covers the video terminal management and provides video material to the user.

Main features of the service:

  • receiving, storing, modifying, and providing data of video terminal profiles
  • receiving, storing, modifying, and providing task parameters for video file download
  • executing video file download tasks

Description of methods for managing the video service: https://developers.omnicomm-world.com/#/VideoService/

Obtaining a video fragment

This section describes how to use the video service in a typical scenario.

To obtain a video fragment:

1. Log in to the account of a dealer or a user who has rights to the vehicle and to use the video service: POST /auth/login?jwt=1

2. Get the video profile from the vehicle terminal ID: GET /service/ovms/api/profiles

3. Get the video file:


There are restrictions on the intensity of requests that may be sent to the Onmicomm Online REST API to protect it against DoS-attacks and errors of third-party systems.

When these restrictions are exceeded, any requests from the corresponding IP address or user to the REST API will be blocked.

Unsuccessful authorization attempts

Not more than 10 in 1 minute from the same IP-address.

Authorized calls

Not more than 180 in 1 minute for each user.

Unauthorized calls

Not more than 60 in one minute from the same IP-address.