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Operation for the Period

  1. Select a VH
  2. Select a period of time for report generation
  3. Press the button “Add report” and select “Diagram: Operation for the Period”

In the program window the report on VH engine revolutions will display for the selected period.

The «Operation for the Period» report

The following color designations are used in the report:

  • Green color - the part of the period when VH was in motion
  • Yellow color - the part of the period when VH worked at idle
  • Red color - the part of the period when the vehicle was idle, i.e. it was with the engine off
  • Gray color - the part of the period for which information has not arrived yet (for example, when report generation for the current day from 00:00 to 23:59 with the current time of 20:00 it will be shown that there is no information for 4 hours) or it is absent

The report displays the time in hours and as a percentage of the total time of the period that the vehicle was in motion, worked at idle and was with the engine off.