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Wire Colour Designation

Omnicomm Smart terminal

Name of signal Designation Wire colour in cable
Ground (negative) for power supply Ground (power) Black
RPM input Tachometer Yellow
Not used NC Green
Not used NC White
Line B RS-485 B RS-485 Brown
Line A RS-485 A RS-485 Pink
Vehicle power supply voltage Power Red
Ignition key IGN Purple
Universal input 1 Input 1 Blue
Not used NC Grey
CAN Н CAN Н Orange
CAN L CAN L Yellow-green

Omnicomm Light terminal

Name of signal Designation Wire colour in cable
Ground (negative) for power supply Ground (power) Black
RPM input Tachometer Yellow
Controlled output 1 Output 1 Green
Not used NC White
Line B RS-485 B RS-485 Brown
Line A RS-485 A RS-485 Pink
Vehicle power supply voltage Power Red
Ignition key IGN Purple
Universal input 1 Input 1 Blue
Universal input 2 Input 2 Grey
CAN Н CAN Н Orange
CAN L CAN L Yellow-green