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Universal Inputs

Universal inputs are intended for connecting the auxiliary equipment with pulse, direct-current, analog or frequency output and its operation monitoring.

In the “Settings” tab select the “Inputs” section from the list.

In the “Universal Inputs” section:

Sensors with pulse output

Omnicomm Configurator Remote configuration server

“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.

“Operation mode” – select “Pulse”.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.

“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.

“Coefficient of impulse” – enter the calibration factor converting the number of pulses to the determined physical quantity.

“Number of impulses from the input” (in Omnicomm Configurator) – number of pulses coming at the universal input.

“Current value of measured parameter” – displays the value at the input with account for the calibration factor.

Sensors with potential output Omnicomm Configurator Remote configuration server

“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.

“Operation mode” – select “Potential”.

“Potential input activation voltage threshold” – set the value of voltage threshold, after which the terminal will record activation of the sensor. Default value – 9 V.

“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.

“Input signal inversion” – set “Enabled” for the sensor with open contacts or contacts closing on commission of any action.

““ON” voltage threshold” – value of the voltage at the universal input of the terminal.

“Current value on input” – auxiliary equipment switched on or off.

“Send an SMS upon triggering” – select “Enabled” to send SMS when the direct-current universal input is triggered.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.

Possible sensor types: contact or contactless digital sensors.

Connect contactless sensors (capacitance, inductance, optical magnetic) and N-P-N sensors with “open collector”-type input according to the diagram: Connection of contactless sensors Connect the contactless sensor according to the scheme: Connection of contactless sensors

As the contact sensor you can use standard elements of equipment control (activation buttons / limit switches / sensors triggered by excess pressure or temperature, etc.) or an additionally mounted sensor. We recommend that you first look for possibility of connection to a standard device and install an additional sensor only if there is none.

Sensors with analog output Omnicomm Configurator Remote configuration server

“Minimum value of measured parameter” – set the minimum value to be measured by the sensor (in the units of measurement of this value).

“Voltage corresponding to the minimum value of measured parameter” – set the value of voltage corresponding to the minimum measured value.

“Maximum measured value” – set the maximum value to be measured by the sensor (in the units of measurement of this value).

“Voltage corresponding to the maximum value of measured parameter” – set the value of voltage corresponding to the maximum measured value.

“Current voltage at universal input” – value of the voltage at the universal input of the Terminal.

“Current value of measured parameter” – current measured value.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.

Analog sensor types:

  • with uniform current output:

Connection of analog sensor with current output

  • with uniform voltage output:

Connection of analog sensor with voltage output

Sensors with frequency output Omnicomm Configurator Remote configuration server

“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.

“Operation mode” – select “Frequency”.

“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.

“Current value at universal input” – current measured value.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.