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Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel, the refueling volume, and the vehicle's operation parameters

In this case, we look at the connection and configuration of equipment for monitoring mileage, speed, and remaining fuel in vehicle tanks using the Omnicomm ICON display.

Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel


Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel and the vehicle's operation parameters

Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel and the vehicle's operation parameters ТС

If the fuel volume goes below the threshold value, the amount of remaining fuel will be highlighted in red and a sound notification will ring.

Refueling volume monitoring

Refueling volume monitoring

During the refueling process, the Omnicomm ICON display shows the total volume of fuel filled and the number of liters for each tank separately.


  • Omnicomm terminal
  • LLS 5 Fuel level sensors
  • Omnicomm ICON Display


The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Optim terminal. To connect to an Omnicomm terminal of a different model, see diagrams in the Connection section.

Equipment connection


The configuration of the LLS Fuel level sensors is performed according to the user manual of each sensor.

Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Notify about status changes via SMS” - check the box to send a notification to the dispatcher's number when the driver's status changes. The notification will contain the driver's new status
  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “Tank 1”, “Tank 2”, “Total in tanks”, “Mileage”, and “Speed” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.