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Fuel Balance

  1. Select one or several vehicles
  2. Select the time period for report generation
  3. Press the “Add report” button and select “Fuel Balance”

«Fuel balance» report

To select the information displayed in the report, right-click and select “Report settings”:

«Fuel balance» report settings

General information in the report:

  • “Internal displacements” - the total volume of the source fuel for the “dispensing” and/or “draining” events associated with the “refueling” and/or “tanking” events of the selected vehicle, according to the report table
  • “Initial Balance” - the total volume of fuel in the main and auxiliary tanks at the start of the report period for the selected vehicles according to the reading of fuel level sensors
  • “Received” - the total volume of fuel including:
    • the volume of positive deviations according to the report table
    • the volume of fuel of the receiver's refueling and tanking events, that do not match or match the dispensing from a source that is not selected to generate the report
    • the volume of source events in which the “Refueling” and “Tanking” events match the fuel card operations
    • the modulo value of “Difference between readings” module = “Initial volume” - “Final volume” + “Tanking volume” - “Draining volume” - “Dispensing volume” (only when the value is negative)
  • “Consumption” - the total of actual fuel consumption for the main and additional tanks according to the fuel level sensors for the period for the selected vehicle
  • “Off-loaded” - the total amount of fuel according to the source events, associated with the vehicle's “Refueling” or “Tanking” events, not selected to generate the report
  • “Draining” - the total volume of draining operations for the main and additional tanks according to the fuel level sensors, excluding the volume of discharges included in the calculation of the “Internal displacement” and “Off-loaded” parameters
  • “Losses” - the total volume of fuel including:
    • the volume of negative deviations according to the report table
    • the fuel volume of the source dispensing events that do not match the receiver's events according to the report table
    • the value of “Difference between readings” = “Initial volume” - “Final volume” + “Tanking volume” - “Draining volume” - “Dispensing volume” (only when the value is positive)
  • “Final volume” - the total volume of fuel in the main and additional tanks at the end of the report period for the selected vehicles according to the reading of fuel level sensors

The table report contains the following information:

  • Source - the vehicle performing the dispensing or draining operation
  • Start of source operation - date and time of fuel dispensing or draining start. Format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
  • End of source operation - date and time of fuel dispensing or draining end. Format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
  • Receiver - the vehicle receiving the fuel as a result of the refueling or tanking operation
  • Start of recipient operation - date and time of vehicle refueling start. Format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
  • End of receiver operation - date and time of the vehicle refueling end. Format DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
  • Match type - the parameters used to match the source and the recipient. Possible options:
    • fuel card
    • RFID / iButton
    • coordinates and time
    • not matched
  • Volume of source operation, l - the volume of fuel dispensed by the source
  • Volume of recipient operation, l - the volume of fuel received by the recipient
  • Deviation, l - the difference between the volume of fuel received by the receiver and the volume dispensed by the source. Possible values: positive and negative numbers displayed taking the sign into account
  • Deviation,% - the deviation calculated using the formula:
    • 100 %*(“Deviation, l” / “Volume of source operation, l”)
  • Source operation address - the address at which the dispensing or draining of fuel by the source is recorded
  • Receiver operation address - the address at which the refueling or tanking of fuel into the recipient is recorded